On Oct 13, 2010, at 12:35, Nelson Cabral wrote:

> My NAS comes with an Apache2 instance without mod_dav_svn. I would
> like to compile mod_dav_svn.so but I don't know how to get the sources
> and how to compile it properly. The NAS is a Synology CS407, the
> firmware is DSM 3.0, and everything is linux powered.
> Can someone give me instructions (command lines) or redirect me? I
> would gladly appreciate any help.

The sources for mod_dav_svn are right there in the Subversion source 
distribution, which is available from the Subversion web site. mod_dav_svn gets 
built when you compile Subversion with the --with-apxs flag. When you compile 
Subversion, you will provide configure arguments pointing at your NAS's 
existing copies of apxs, apr and apr-util, among perhaps other options:

./configure ... \
--with-apr-util=/path/to/apu-config \

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