2010/10/21 Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de>:
> Guten Tag Mark Phippard,
> am Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010 um 16:07 schrieben Sie:
>> Around
>> the time 1.7 rolls out I am going to look into adding an option in our
>> client installer to include the mod_dav_svn modules so that someone
>> rolling their own server can just use the simple client installer to
>> get the binaries.
> Maybe I'm wrong but I don't use mod_dav_svn because what I meant with
> stand alone server was is running svnserve.exe which I in my opinion
> is an even easier setup than using Apache.

Well, as pointed out, that is already provided in the older server
installer that is provided.  Just do not choose to install Apache.

We have no plans to support svnserve in CollabNet Subversion Edge.
This is clearly listed in the posted information for the product.


Mark Phippard

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