> 2010/10/21 Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de>:
> > Guten Tag Mark Phippard,
> > am Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010 um 16:50 schrieben Sie:
> >
> >> We have no plans to support svnserve in CollabNet Subversion
> Edge.
> >> This is clearly listed in the posted information for the
> product.
> >
> > Edge was just an example why I thought that download size didn't
> > matter in your decision to not provide e.g. BDB etc. I don't use
> edge,
> > what I need, and thought you don't provide anymore, is something
> > like "CollabNet Subversion Server and Client v1.6.13 (for
> Windows)".
> I assume you have since found that download.  It is still provided
> and
> updated with new releases.

No.. where is it? I only see the Edge builds and the Command-line only build. 
Where is the server and client build? I am looking here: 


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