Glad you got it working and  thank God it's not my build that has an error.
I tried most of this saturday to get SASL to work with it. First using TortoiseSVN as client. But didn't got the configuration right.

Maybe you, now you have your configuration experience fresh in mind, could write some clarifications for the SVN-book page http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.svnserve.html#svn.serverconfig.svnserve.sasl or just send some description to this list of your setup (with config files, registry dumps etc.)

I think that should help many people out there (or is it here? :-)


On 2010-11-07 05:56, John Alan Belli wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 16:59:12 -0400, Mark said:

When I have tested the CollabNet binaries in the past they
supported this fine.  The Cyrus SASL stuff requires registry
entries to work properly.  If you are trying all of these
from the same workstation are  you checking those entries?

OK. Now that you reminded me, I went and put the registry entry
in. I had forgotten that the client required it since installing
1.5. I had to reinstall Windows on my workstation a while back,
and haven't used the command line client since then.

With the registry entry in the proper place, the Win32Svn works
as well. Slik at least doesn't seem to even check for it,
apparently just using the directory the binary is in.

Perhaps this should be noted in the Book somewhere, that the
SearchPath entry may need to be on the clients, as well? Also, on
x64 versions of windows, a 32-bit client needs the entry under

- -- John Alan Belli jabe...@pobox.com http:// coming soon
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