We do use Bugzilla to track issues, you are correct that you can file the bug against multiple branches and we do.

However, what if a branch is created after the bug has been added to Bugzilla. Someone would have to manually inspect the revision at which the branch was taken and create another set of Bugzilla issues for the new branch for all the bugs that were present at that time of branching.

This to me seems to be the problem with issue tracking and branching, keeping the two synchronised.

However, what if you could do an "svn log -g" and compare the results with a Bugzilla search to prove that all known bugs were also present in Bugzilla for that branch?


On 14/01/2011 10:56, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
Guten Tag Jonathan Oulds,
am Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011 um 17:46 schrieben Sie:

Currently we track bug fixes by including a reference number within the
commit message, I'm sure this is common practice.

If you already use a bug tracker, doesn't that provide a mechanism to
file bugs against multiple versions or maybe clone bugs into multiple
versions? Bugzilla for example does the latter, at least in my old
2.22.x, which wouldn't directly answer the question which bug does
span over multiple versions. But what you could do is create some
master bug for your error and dependant bugs for each version in which
this error occurs. At least you could use the reporting tools of your
bug tracker.

In my opinion, depending on the concrete bug and how important it has
to be fixed and all that stuff, having more than one bug for the
different versions is of benefit if you think of things like branches
which aren't supported anymore and therefore don't need a bug fix,
some need a fix but not now, for some branches this bug is a show
stopper etc. I would use the bug tracker for such things.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

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