On Jan 31, 2011, at 03:33, Echlin, Jamie wrote:

>> What you're looking for is an "obliterate" function. That's 
>> been discussed a number of times in the past, and never been 
>> successfully pursuied. 
> The last update I've seen about the obliterate feature imply that it's
> been abandoned for the medium-term:
> http://svn.haxx.se/dev/archive-2010-08/0457.shtml

According to that message, because work on WC-NG was more important for 1.7. 
But I haven't been following the dev list so I don't know what else was said.

> Yet Julian Foad appears to be doing a talk about just this feature in
> 1.7 at "Subversion Live" -
> http://www.wandisco.com/events/subversionlive2011/agenda.

Julian Foad is, I believe, an employee of WANdisco, the company that seems to 
be behind that event, and which recently announced their intention to implement 
various long-outstanding feature requests and bug fixes in Subversion. Perhaps 
the talk is about their continued desire to implement obliterate, or perhaps 
some renewed successes at doing so.


> So, will it be in 1.7?

This is the ticket for the obliterate feature request:


It is listed as "unscheduled", meaning it is not slated to appear in any 
particular version of Subversion at this time. 1.7 is already full of WC-NG so 
I would expect the devs to want to move any other major changes to the next 

There also have not been any comments in that issue since 2009; if someone were 
working on implementing it, I'd hope the ticket would so indicate.

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