On Feb 7, 2011, at 17:33, Schneider, Wolf wrote:

>> Based on the above log, %FOLDER% does not appears to be a URL to a 
>> Subversion repository... Is it a path to a Subversion working copy?
> Correct -- we are trying to make a copy in a network drive folder of the 
> file(s) being checked into the SVN repository.
>> If so, that should work.
> That's what *i* thought! :^)
>> Or is it just a local unversioned directory? If so, then you can't "svn 
>> copy" to it 
> Oh, are you saying that the target folder must have the .svn sub-folder in it 
> as well? That's what I was trying to avoid

Well, if it doesn't have .svn directories in it, then it's not a Subversion 
working copy. So yes, look into using "svn cat".

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