Yes, you are right. The fundamental problem was that a good reliable and 
scalable backup solution was missing.

 Incremental svn dump looks promising.


From: David Chapman <>
To: ankush chadha <>
Sent: Fri, February 4, 2011 7:26:28 PM
Subject: Re: Need help in restoring the svn repository (server side)

 (reordering to remove top-posting)

From: ankush chadha <>
>Sent: Fri,               February 4, 2011 1:47:34 PM
>Subject: Need help in restoring the svn repository (server side)
>Hi All
>I am trying to recover the repository from a corrupted               hard 
>I have very huge source repository, about               136000 revisions. 
>Luckily I have a 4 month old backup.
>I think I was able to recover the contents of db/revs and               
>db/revprops folder as it contains 136000 + 1 files each. (               1 
>per revision and a 0 revision file)
>There is a node-origins folder that has a bunch of files.               I am 
>sure if I was able to fully recover files under               this folder. 
>After restoring the files, when I booted up the svn               server, its 
>reading till 133000 revisions. Its not               recogizing the revisions 
>after 133000.
>Does anyone know how to sync that up?
On 2/4/2011 11:56 AM, ankush chadha wrote: 

Found that there is a file named 'current' that stores the             HEAD 
revision. When I kicked off svn verify on 133001 it             complained that 
"revisions must not be greater than the             youngest revision" so I 
they stored the HEAD revision             somewhere. Once I updated the value 
HEAD, I can see all             the revisions :)
>Running a svn verifier on the entire repository to make sure             that 
>nothing else is corrupted.
>From this I hope you (and everyone else reading this list) learned     that 
need to be backing up your repository much more often.      Success should not 
be based on luck.

You need to think about how much work you're willing to lose,     worst-case, 
should your server hardware crash or otherwise go     offline.  Then back up 
more often than that.  If you're not willing     to lose as much as a day's 
worth of work then you need to backup     multiple times per day, and those 
backups need to be copied off the     server.

Every night I copy my repositories using, then dump     the 
repositories and copy the dump files off the server.  Once a     week copies of 
the dump files go off-site (along with full backups     of all my other data).  
I never have all copies of my data in the     same place at the same time.  The 
worst-case scenario is having the     building catch fire as I'm doing weekly 
backups, taking all of the     computers with it and forcing me to redo a 
work.  But I can     live with that; I work solo and do a couple dozen commits 
week.      With 136,000 revisions in your repository, you should backup your    
repository to a second machine multiple times per day (or use     svnsync) and 
store at least an incremental backup of the repository     off-site once per 

Think about it - you very nearly lost four months of history.  Maybe     your 
team could have reconstructed much of the changed data using     giant commits 
from their surviving sandboxes, but that takes a lot     of time and effort, is 
risky, and wouldn't allow you to see why the     changes were made or 
distinguish between changes (e.g. was this line     of code implementing a 
feature or fixing a bug?).

    David Chapman     Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, 


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