On Feb 10, 2011, at 09:15, Fabian Richter wrote:

> Why is that a "feature" and can you please add an --force switch to
> still being able to create Repositories within the path of another?

I should add: this check was added to Subversion to prevent people from doing 
things that make no sense.

If you believe you know better than Subversion (and I continue to think you do 
not in this case) then it is of course trivial to bypass this check:

$ svnadmin create repo1
$ svnadmin create repo1/repo2
svnadmin: 'repo1/repo2' is a subdirectory of an existing repository rooted at 
$ svnadmin create repo2
$ mv repo2 repo1
$ ls repo1
README.txt      db              hooks           repo2
conf            format          locks

Et voilĂ , you have repo2's directory inside repo1's directory.

So no --force switch or modification of the Subversion source code is necessary 
to accomplish this questionable goal.

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