It's possible that the eol-style has nothing to do with this, because
before I added the style, my script was still failing and complaining about
the EOF as well as EOL errors...

Running your od command yields the following on the last 3 lines:
0000620   s   t       t   i   m   e   .   .   .   .   "  \r  \n  \r  \n
0000640  \r  \n   e   x   i   t       0

so it is missing \n ...

I opened the file in notepad and added a couple blank lines under my exit 0
and it worked!! How weird is that?

Thanks for your help! It's been much appreciated.

| From:      |
  |David Chapman <>                                            
| To:        |
  |Christopher D Haakinson/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS                                    
| Cc:        |
| Date:      |
  |02/24/2011 01:28 PM                                                          
| Subject:   |
  |Re: ^M Appends to every line?                                                

On 2/24/2011 9:55 AM, Christopher D Haakinson wrote:
> I'd like someone to explain how this small shell script, which works
> fine, gets corrupted simply by creating a new file and copy/pasting
> the text in it. Here's what I'm doing:
> 1) I have a test shell script that runs fine. Here's the content:
> <------------------------- start
> lock="/tmp/deleteme"
> if [ -f $lock ]
> then
> echo "Lock file exists. Wait until it's gone to proceed. ."
> while [ -f $lock ]
> do
> echo "Waiting for lockfile to be removed. ."
> sleep 1s
> done
> echo "Now creating lock file"
> echo "locked" > $lock
> else
> echo "No lock file found. Creating it. ."
> echo "locked" > $lock
> fi
> echo "Lets try this again, hopefully for the last time...."
> exit 0
> <-------------------------- end
> 2) I copy this entire script from notepad in windows into a new file
> named, also in notepad.
> 3) Using TortoiseSVN, I add into my project
> 4) I commit the changes to the server
> 5) On my linux server, I run: svn update ... to get the file
> 6) Now when I try to run it I get this:
> syntax error: unexpected end of file
> Now, this is the most simple task I could think of doing, and this
> doesn't work. I've also tried creating the new shell script with
> Komodo EDIT with the same results.
> This occurs even though I've tried adding svn:eol-style from both my
> linux server and my windows wrx... I'm lost!!

In Notepad, can you move your cursor below the last line of text in the
file?  If not, there won't be a newline after the final line.  Under
Linux, try "od -c | more" and verify that there is a "\n" at
the very end of the listing.  If not, you'll need to add one in Notepad,
Komodo, or your favorite Linux editor.

I have no idea why you would see this problem only with "svn:eol-style"
defined (if in fact this is the problem).

     David Chapman
     Chapman Consulting -- San Jose, CA

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