There's been a bunch of work on trunk recently on recognizing this
difference --- a successful commit with a failure somewhere during the
so-called "post-commit FS processing".  I believe most of it is
nominated for 1.6.16 --- could you please try that (once it's released)
before filing a bug?

Also: see issue #3641.



Mark Keisler wrote on Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 16:38:50 -0600:
> I got this error on a commit because the rep-cache.db file in the
> repository had the wrong mode:
> ....
> Transmitting file data
> ................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> .......................................................................................
> ............................svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: attempt to write a readonly database
> svn: attempt to write a readonly database
> Clearly, it says the commit failed.  So I fixed the permissions in the
> repository and tried the commit again:
> ....
> svn: Commit failed (details follow):
> svn: File already exists: filesystem '/svnroot/myrepo/db', transaction
> '5323-43v', path '/blah/blah/blah'
> So I seem to be stuck.  I run svn update in my working copy and
> nothing seems to happen.  svn status still shows all my added files
> staged and ready to be committed.  the commit did not fail correctly.
> So, what do I do to get out of this besides dumping up to right before
> the current rev and reloading the repository?  Also, is this a known
> issue or shall I file a bug?
> Subversion command-line client, version 1.6.15.
> server is running 1.6.13, both are Linux.
> --
> Mark

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