On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:20 AM, Cooke, Mark <mark.co...@siemens.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Shahaf [mailto:d...@daniel.shahaf.name]
>> Sent: 09 March 2011 16:48
>> To: Cooke, Mark
>> Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: Need help troubleshooting user authentication (apache)
>> Cooke, Mark wrote on Wed, Mar 09, 2011 at 14:44:31 -0000:
>> > [Wed Jan 12 10:06:38 2011] [error] [client ip-address] user user_a:
>> > authentication failure for "/svn/dept/project/trunk":
>> > Password Mismatch
>> >
>> > I do not understand where the 'Password Mismatch' error is
>> > coming from, why does that only happen when using subversion
>> > and not the browser?  I have tried searching for "rejected
>> > Basic challenge" (both svn.haxx.se and the wider net) but
>> > I've not found anything that hes helped so far.
>> ...
>> > What can I do to try to work out what the problem is?  It
>> > is only svn and (currently) for only this one user...  I'd
>> > really appreciate any help at this point.
>> * Have you tried creating a new OS user for that one user?
> Not yet.  Corporate IT consider it my problem and that option is
> definite *last resort* material *sigh*
>> * Yes, may be a good idea to look up where "Password Mismatch" is
>>   generated.  (I haven't heard of it before, but I don't claim to have
>>   heard of all typical syslog messages.)
> I guess it means exactly what it says but I'll try looking in the source
> once I've found it to confirm.  I did find one comment to an article
> that said they had problems with "AuthzLDAPAuthoritative" set "On" so I
> might try turning that "Off" but I need to check the implications of
> that.
> Still no idea why this only applies via the svn client (either command
> line or TortoiseSVN) and not when accessing the server using https via
> IE8...

As a quick drive-by suggestion, two things come to mind:
- SVN might use cached credential, browser doesn't. Maybe just
(re)move the cached credentials on the client-machine (from
%APP_DATA%/Subversion/auth, or from the registry (see svnbook)), and
try again?

- proxy: svn only goes through proxy if it is configured as such in
the servers file in the runtime-configuration area. Browser might use
different proxy settings.


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