Andy Levy wrote:
>> Pass  valid credentials to svn update with --username and --password
>> in your hook & see what happens.

I'm finally getting back to this issue. Things have changed a little so here's 
a recap and the current situation:

I have a VisualSVN repository on a development web server with a web site 
properly loaded. I checked out a copy with my client (Dreamweaver CS5). I also 
have checked out a copy that is served as the development web site on the same 
machine as the repository. So far, so good.

I have a post commit hook (post-commit.bat) with the following line in it (all 
one line and with minor changes to protect confidentiality):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn" --username SVN_User 
--password therealpw update D:/websites/site1

After editing a file in Dreamweaver, I commit the change to the repository. The 
repository credentials saved in the Dreamweaver configuration are the same user 
and password as used in the batch file above. The commit seems to work and does 
not generate any error messages in the VisualSVN Server Event Log on the web 
server. A new file is created in db/revs/0/. However, the hook is not being 
executed, or if it is, it is failing without generating any error messages in 
the Event Viewer.

When run from the command prompt, the batch file executes without any problems 
and the development web site shows the update (another indication that the 
commit worked, obviously).

Any ideas? Is there any way to increase the logging level of VisualSVN so that 
it's logging everything that happens? Is there any log other than that shown in 
the Windows Event Viewer?


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