Konstantin Kolinko wrote
>> 2011/6/15 Henry Hartley:
>> >
>> > "C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\svn" --username
>> > SVN_User --password therealpw update D:/websites/site1
>> 1. I'd add  "--no-auth-cache --non-interactive" options as well, 
>> and "@echo off" at the start and "exit 0" line at the end. 

I added these but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.

>> 2. http://subversion.apache.org/faq.html#website-auto-update
>> 3. What protocol is used by the working copy at D:/websites/site1
>> (file, svn, http, https)? 
>> For https you may want "--trust-server-cert" as well. 

Yes, it's using https so I've added this, also. Still no change.

>> 4. What user runs the bat file? 
>> If it is "Local System" (if I correctly remember the name), it
>> does not have rights to access the network. 

I guess it is "Local Service" but giving that user full rights to both the 
repository and the checked out directory made no difference.

>> > Is there any way to increase the logging level of VisualSVN
>> When debugging my hooks I used to add echo statements that wrote
>> something to an external log file.

I added a couple echo statements to the post-commit.bat file that echo into a 
log file. When run from the command line that log file is created and contains 
the echoed text. Then, when I make a change and commit, the log file is NOT 
created. This makes me think the batch file is never running. It seems like 
something would show up in the Event Viewer, however, if it failed to run 
because of a permission issue. So, I don't think it's really a problem with the 
hook itself but rather VisualSVN isn't firing the hook. Could that be?


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