Do you have a pre-1.6.17 libsvn_repos on the system?

(That symbol is defined by libsvn_repos, and I suspect it's only defined
by recent versions of that.)

Chris Wolstenholme wrote on Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:35:06 +0100:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem using the mod_dav_svn module with Apache and a
> newly built subversion (version 1.6.17). This usually works out of
> the box, but I have an undefined symbol
> (svn_repos__post_commit_error_str) which means apache can't load the
> module.
> The apache version is 2.2.17. The code was built with gcc 4.4.1
> 'apachectl configtest' results in:
> httpd: Syntax error on line 72 of httpd.conf: Cannot load
> into server: undefined symbol:
> svn_repos__post_commit_error_str
> 'ldd -r modules/' shows the symbol as undefined, but
> looking at the version in the build tree
> (subversion/mod_dav_svn/.libs/ it doesn't contain
> that symbol. It is only added after a relink, which happens at
> install time.
> I have seen other undefined symbol problems and solutions posted,
> but they seem unrelated to this one, and so any help would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

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