On Jun 17, 2011, at 24:59 , Geoff Hoffman wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Bruno Antunes <b...@dei.uc.pt> wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of the work of my PhD thesis I need to load the ASF Subversion 
> repository into my own local repository in order to mine and extract 
> information from the repository without overloading the ASF servers.
> I have downloaded the repository dump and started loading it into my own 
> repository. But the repository is huge (~45GB), and loading it using 
> 'svnadmin load' will take me days (~15).
> I tried 'svndumpfilter' to filter out some projects but I get the error 
> 'svndumpfilter: Unsupported dumpfile version: 3'. I'm using 'svndumpfilter' 
> version 1.6.12. Is there any way to overcome this error?
> Do you know any faster way to load the dump file or to filter out some 
> projects/revisions so I can speed up the process?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Bruno Antunes
> Just a thought... Do you need the revision history or only the current (head) 
> revision?
> Guessing if you do not need the revision history then it will be much smaller 
> and  faster to svn export their-stuff -r HEAD

I need the entire revision history, because I need to extract historical 
information from the repository.
But I could use the revision history from specific projects only, I don't need 
the entire repository, which contains all the ASF projects. The problem is I 
can filter these projects in the dump file.

Best regards,
Bruno Antunes

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