We are trying to reorganize some our projects and hence repositories
so that it makes some kind of logical sense (naming wise). Our
existing repository that we want to move i.e. ProjectA has very few
commits (4 to 5) in it and we do not care if the revision numbers
change as long as we have commit log history (even with new revision

In any case, this is what has worked for me:
svadmin create /var/lib/svn/Projects # Create new repo Projects
svn mkdir /var/lib/svn/Projects/A -m "Creating home for Project A"
svnadmin dump /var/lib/svn/ProjectA > ProjectA.dump #Dump ProjectA
that we want to move
svnadmin load --parent-dir A /var/lib/svn/Projects < ProjectA.dump

Thank you all for your help!

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