On Jul 21, 2011, at 06:54, Andy Canfield wrote:

> The browser, when pointing to http://localhost/svn/RepoName, gives this answer
>     RepoName - Revision 0: /
>     Powered by Subversion version 1.6.12 (r955767).
> This is true whether RepoName is 'sample' or 'example'. Of course, the only 
> thing mod_dav_svn needs to do in this case is to read the repository, and all 
> files and directories are readable by everyone, regardless of whether they 
> are owned by root or andy.

Looks normal to me. It's showing you there is a repository, and it is empty.

> So the browser access mechanism has no commands to control a repository, only 
> to describe it?

It shows you the contents of the HEAD of the repository. There are also URL 
parameters you can add to look at previous revisions of files. But that's about 
it. If you want more detailed views into your repository, install a tool 
dedicated to that purpose, like WebSVN, Trac or ViewVC.




> Logically this might make sense; however I would expect that 
> http://localhost/svn would be capable of listing the repositories

It is. You need to add "SVNListParentPath On" to your httpd configuration. Just 
as directory listings are off in Apache by default for security reasons, so 
showing a list of repositories is off by default in Subversion.

> and creating new repositories.

Sorry, that's not a feature of the mod_dav_svn web interface. Administration 
functions, like creating and deleting repositories and users, is expected to be 
done by the sysadmin on the command line of the server. If you want a web 
interface for that, there are other administration-oriented web interfaces you 
could install, like SVNManager.


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