On Jul 29, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Thomas Harold <thomas-li...@nybeta.com> wrote:

> http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.5.html#externals
> The relative URLs being allowed in svn:externals was a huge step forward.  
> But it still relies on the source path not ever changing.
> For example:
> /repos/zag foo/bar1
> Which is fine as long as "zag" never changes its name.
> What if there was some sort of a GUID value for each object, created the 
> first time that the object is added to the repository, that could then be 
> used as the source URL?
> /repos/GUID:4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83 foo/bar1
> Which would hopefully track /repos/zag as it changes from /repos/zag to 
> /repos/zig to /repos/forgreatjustice.
> (I suspect this all ties in with the copy/rename issue, which is itself a 
> rather hairy topic.)
I wouldn't use/suggest this. It'd be difficult to determine where a GUID 
pointed, once created.

> Is this also a moot point if you use the "pegged revision" style of 
> svn:externals where you prefix the property value with "-r ####"?  That even 
> if "/repos/zag" changes to "/repos/zig" it won't matter because you're 
> pegging to a revision before the name change occured?
Peg revision should be indicated by "@####", appended to the repos path. I'd 
prefer that syntax.

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