On Sat, 30 Jul 2011 18:30:11 +0000, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> But you understand why even if I knew I would be disinterested in helping 
> you. The Subversion libraries have been in development for 11 years, work 
> great,

They work so great that you can't even Ctrl-C the svn command line client
in the connection phase, and instead need to resort to ^Z and 'kill -9 %'.
(Ok, this may not actually be a problem with *lib*svn.)

> The Subversion libraries are going to continue to evolve, as is the network 
> protocol. For example, Subversion used to only be able to use neon for 
> talking to http servers, but now can use serf which perhaps offers better 
> performance, and serf becomes the default in Subversion 1.7; which of these 
> methods are you emulating?

If he is going to talk on the level of http requests directly,
neon-vs.-serf is a complete non-question.

The interesting point is that as far as I know there is a complete change
in the http-level protocol coming up, to avoid the massive round-trip
count the current method needs. (But that's a maintenance nightmare
for libsvn as well as for anybody else writing a bare-net client.)

> So this isn't even a one-time task you're contemplating; this is an ongoing 
> duplicate maintenance effort you're committing yourself to.

Yes, it is. But it's not your problem, and I don't see why the http
'wire' protocol needs to be a undocumented secret. Using a C library is
*not* always an option; for example having a pure java client library
available would be a big help for java-implemented IDEs.

And there already *are* parties that talk svn http directly; github has
readonly svn access, and codeplex is also emulating somehow. Neither do
I expect google code to use the original apache svn server code.


"Totally trivial. Famous last words."
From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@*.org>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 07:29:21 -0800

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