on 08/01/2011 05:31 AM Andreas Krey said the following:

Anyway, in my implementation I did not do any repeated requests and I
can retrieve the information I want apparently much faster in PHP than
using the svn program. So I wonder if could be missing anything.

It *may* be another opportunity to bash the maturity of libsvn. :-)
I assume the aforementioned protocol change does not just mean eliminating
these redundancies.

I did not intend to bash anybody. It just seemed odd to see those apparently needless repeated request, as well never seeing gzip compressed responses which could have made SubVersion servers much aste.

Given than a typical gzip encoding can compress text data about 5 times,
it seemed to me there is a great opportunity to make SubVersion HTTP
server accesses much faster, but that opportunity is not being addressed
because SubVersion HTTP servers do not compress responses. Again I maybe
missing something here.

I use ssh port forwarding for svn http:// access anyway, and that can
take care of the compression, even of the headers. Like:

   ssh -L 4080:svnhost:80 wellconnected.host
   svn checkout http://localhost:4080/path/to/repo

I see but that compression only happens inside your ssh tunnel. I am sure a direct connection with gzip/deflate compression would be much faster.


Manuel Lemos

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