On Aug 5, 2011, at 01:47, Rajith Chathunga wrote:

> I'm Rajith Chathunga from university of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. My team is 
> developing an open source Subversion client as our internship project. It 
> will be a great help that you can provide us some directions to release it. 
> What is the procedure that we should follow to release it?

I'd begin by hosting the source code, issue tracker, mailing lists, etc. on 
public servers. Google Code, github, SourceForge, etc. Or if the University 
already has such infrastructure set up on its own or would like to set such a 
thing up, you can of course host it yourself. You can also announce the URL of 
your project here on the Subversion Users mailing list. This should attract 
attention from interested parties.

More good advice is in the book Producing Open Source Software by Karl Fogel, 
one of the Subversion developers. You can read it for free online, or order a 
print copy:


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