On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 04:19:06PM -0600, michael_rytt...@agilent.com wrote:
> For a while I was downloading and running the development build of subversion 
> 1.7.0.  At one revision of the code I started having an issue where svn would 
> immediately segfault.  At that time I stopped using 1.7.0 assuming the issue 
> would be fixed before release.  Unfortunately I just downloaded the beta2 
> release of 1.7.0 and I'm having the same problem.  Interestingly enough I can 
> successfully build beta2 on one of our 32bit systems, but I can't use that 
> build on our 64 bit systems because it tries to link against the 32bit 
> version of libmagic.
> It's important to note that I don't get any errors compiling the design.  
> It's just that after I install it I get a segfault when I try and run svn.  
> Ironically, if I run svn with no options or invalid options it successfully 
> runs, but as soon as I add a valid option like "svn help" it segfaults.  I've 
> spent multiple hours trying to compile with different options to my 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH/PATH variables and I've tried to mix up how I build apr, 
> apr-util, serf, and neon, but it always results in the same problem.
> I am using a very vanilla build process.
> Wget
> Tar
> ./get-deps.sh
> ./configure -prefix=$HOME/local
> make && make install

This is most likely a problem with your build, not with Subversion
itself. Maybe your build is getting 32bit and 64bit libraries mixed up?

> As I've noted I have successfully built a development version of 1.7.0 on our 
> 64bit systems in the past.

Note that libmagic support was added quite recently (in alpha2).
Does the problem disappear if you pass the --with-libmagic=no
option to configure?

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