On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 3:06 AM, Stümpfig, Thomas
<thomas.stuemp...@siemens.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I plan to upgrade a 250GB Repository from 1.5 to 1.7. As I learned from
> other threads in this list, it is wise to dump and load the repository in
> order to bring everything to the latest features.

Much, much faster and safer: Create a 1.7 "svnsync" against the 1.5
repository. Test dumping and loading from *THAT*, on your 1.7 enabled
host. When fully tested, lock the 1.5 repository, and replicate or
switch to the 1.7 repository, with the new uuid set manually.

This gives you much less downtime and reduces the reisk of
"split-brain" behavior. This is also the size of repository where you
might want to consider commercial support, or seriously consider
fragmenting that repository. Backups are going to take a while,
restores longer, and you're at serious risk of having a single
corrupted revision cost you enormous engineering time.

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