Dalibor Karlović <d...@burza.hr> schreef op 07/10/2011 14:15:39:

> Jan Keirse wrote:
> > Setting all that up shouldn't take very long.
> Yeah, for one site, but this would be like num_of_sites * num_of_people 
> ALOT. :)

Not really. You need only one httpd.conf for all sites and people, with 
only very small variations for each platform.
For example you should be able to create one apache httpd.conf containing 
num_of_sites of virtual hosts, and an /etc/hosts 
(c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on windows) containing 
site1.local, site2.local,... 
The /etc/hosts can be the same for all hosts and users, the httpd.conf 
will contain a little variation for each platform you use, but the virtual 
hosts will all be the same. 
These files can then be deployed to all people involved. 

Kind Regards,

Software quality & Systems: Software Engineer

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