On Friday, October 07, 2011, Dalibor Karlović elucidated thus:
> Jan Keirse wrote:
> > Setting all that up shouldn't take very long.
> Yeah, for one site, but this would be like num_of_sites *
> num_of_people = ALOT. :)

Not really.  We do it where I work. We have a single vhost, and the dev 
checks out the web site into:


The Doc root is 'html' in the above directory (in our case).

Then, they access that test domain via:


The correct site gets served up via rewrite rules.  Works very well.


Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska
Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
jos...@azariah.com - Jabber: pedah...@gmail.com
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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