On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 1:10 PM, <michael_rytt...@agilent.com> wrote:

> LOL!  I love the env variable.
> Here is some similar data for a local working copy.  These are all run
> with the env variable set.  Again, svn rm is significantly slower than all
> other operations.
> svn rm <file>  0.35s
> svn st <file>    0.105s
> svn blame  0.041s
> svn unlock 0.056s
> svn lock      0.053s
> svn log   0.036s
> svn info 0.014s

But look how much it improved compared to how much the others improved?

svn rm <file>       7s
svn add <file>      0.126s
svn st <file>          2s
svn blame <file> 0.2s
svn lock <file>      0.12s
svn unlock <file> 0.103s
svn log <file>        0.089s
svn revert <file>  0.133s
svn info <file>      0.074s

Many of these commands are not even impacted by that variable.  That said,
I do not get how this envvar can shave 7 seconds off the operation when it
usually only sleeps for a second.


Mark Phippard

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