Hi group,

Just wanted to have a bit of rant about the default ignores that subversion 
clients have since its cost us so much time and hassle. I would like to argue 
that there should be no default ignores - let the client (customer) deal with 

The '.a' ignore has particularly hurt us. I've lost count of the times that 
developers have checked in third party SDKs into a 'buildtools' type repository 
only to later find out that a load of .a files were missing. I just think its a 
terrible default.

The latest thing to hit us was in our build scripts that do drops from a 
perforce repo and create vendor branches etc, which has messed up the vendor 
branches because a script somewhere was not correctly countermanding the 
default ignores.

This has happened so many times to so many developers over the years that I 
felt I should say something.

Anyone else agree?

It would be lovely to be able to set up ignores centrally too without relying 
on individual devs to get it right.


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