On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Ulrich Eckhardt <
ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com> wrote:

> Am 02.08.2012 11:12, schrieb Martin Bischoff:
>  When I reintegrate a feature-branch into trunk, this creates a
>> svn:mergeinfo property on trunk, e.g. "Merged
>> /branches/featureBranch:r149-**188".
>> What is the purpose of that information?
> Subversion uses it for "merge tracking". This allows SVN to tell which
> revisions from the feature branch are eligible for merging. E.g.
> TortoiseSVN greys out those revisions to tell the user that they were
> already merged. Subversion itself will simply ignore any requests to merge
> those a second time, it would probably lead to conflicts anyway.
This is the case when merging from trunk to the feature branch (to synch
the branch with trunk). This creates mergeinfo on the branch.
But I was only talking about the final reintegrate-merge of the
feature-branch back to trunk where mergeinfo is created on trunk.

>  Can (or should) it be ignored when
>> committing trunk after the reintegrate-merge?
> No!
>  Since it is recommended to delete feature-branches after they were
>> reintegrated, why should this mergeinfo be kept? Wouldn't that property
>> then be propagated to each and every future (feature-)branch and tag?
> Yes, the info would be propagated. The thing about deleting feature
> branches is true, but that doesn't hold for release branches which can also
> be source or target of merges.
> That said, if you think that a branch is dead and can be forgotten, you
> can also delete that mergeinfo without causing any errors. A
> reintegrate-merge could be such a case. However, it also doesn't hurt to
> keep it, so I wouldn't bother.
> Schoenen Tag!
> Uli

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