On Thu, Aug 02, 2012 at 11:12:15AM +0200, Martin Bischoff wrote:
> Since it is recommended to delete feature-branches after they were
> reintegrated, why should this mergeinfo be kept? Wouldn't that property
> then be propagated to each and every future (feature-)branch and tag?

Subversion needs to be able to tell which changes were already merged
into the merge target, from any branch that ever existed.
The mergeinfo must be kept should since somebody might run a merge from
any branch that existed at some past revision into any future branch,
even if that branch has been deleted in the HEAD revision.

For example, this merges changes committed to ^/branches/mybranch in
revision 40, even if ^/branches/mybranch was deleted in revision 43:
    svn merge -c 40 ^/branches/mybranch@42 
(See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.advanced.pegrevs.html
for related material in the Subversion book.)

I would say don't worry too much about mergeinfo. It is just meta
data that Subversion uses for its own purposes. You'll potentially
cause problems by not comitting it, so please always commit it.

Put another way, if Subversion had a way to store mergeinfo with a
lesser degree of visibility, so that you wouldn't even see the meta
data being created or changed, would you still be concerned about
this meta data being recorded?

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