I was using cvs as version control and now I'm migrating to Subversion.
On cvs I often wrote commit logs referring to the Bugzilla bug number, something like that:
bla bla bla Bug #XXX

TortoiseCVS was configured to convert bug #XXX into a ink to my local Bugzilla installation.

I now use TortoiseSVN as a client to interact with my Subversion installation and I learned how to setup the integration between TortoiseSVN and Bugzilla by adding some properties to the project folder as stated in the webpage http://tortoisesvn.net/docs/nightly/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-dug-bugtracker.html

Now I'd like to know if I can automatically set those properties on each new project I'll add to the repository in the future. Is there some configuration that I can do on the server side to set those properties?

Manuel Ferrero
R&D department

Reer SpA        
Tel.  +39 011 2482215
Fax. +39 011 859867

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