Andy Levy ha wrote:

You can configure automatic property setting on each client (auto-props
in your config file, and tsvn:autoprops on your folders but only used by
Tortoise, see,
and you can configure a pre-commit hook script to reject any commit
where new items lack the property or existing items have the property
removed, but you can't control client configuration via the server.

So basically you're saying that those properties shall be set by the client and then committed to the server.

The thing that I don't understand is why I cannot set the property on the server side. If I understood correctly, all the properties are linked to the directory, so once I set a new property and I commit the directory everybody that checks out that directory will see that property on it, right? So how come that I have to set the property on one client and I can't do that directly on the server?
Manuel Ferrero
R&D department

Reer SpA        
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