Thanks Stafen,

You are really helping.

I think you are taking about this:

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath C:\SVNData\svn
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion repositories"
AuthUserFile C:\SVNData\svn.pass
AuthzSVNAccessFile C:\SVNData\authz.conf
Require valid-user

So I will go with your suggestion: svndumpfilter exclude
/E_Learning/Development/Project1  < repo.dump > filteredDump.dump

Please correct me. 


Anil Kumar Bakshi

Sr. Multimedia Programmer | Education and Learning


Aptara, Inc. | Transforming Content into Knowledge |

A-28, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate, 

Mathura Road | New Delhi - 110044 | India

Mobile +91 9818907948


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Sperling [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:29 PM
To: Anil Bakshi
Cc: Grierson, David;
Subject: Re: Parmently removing directory from server to make space

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 04:14:38PM +0530, Anil Bakshi wrote:
> Thanks Stefan, I will try with forward slashes. One more thing.
> In httpd.conf file. I have set the below variable.
> SVNParentPath C:\SVNData\svn
> So repo browser path is:
> pm
> ent/Project1
> Do I using the correct path in below example.
> svndumpfilter exclude /database/E_Learning/Development/Project1  < 
> repo.dump > filteredDump.dump

I cannot tell exactly because you haven't provided the <Location>
tatements of your httpd config that contains the SVNParentPath

Assuming you are using <Location /svn>, it seems the name of your
repository is 'database'.

Dump files contain only paths which are *inside* the repository, i.e.
paths shown by a command such as:
  svn ls

It seems E_Learning is a directory in the root directory of the
repository, so filtering the dump file should probably look like this:

svndumpfilter exclude /E_Learning/Development/Project1  < repo.dump >

However, if you were using <Location /svn/database> or <Location
/svn/database/E_Learning> the paths inside the dump file would be

If you don't really understand how this all works, I suggest that you
create a small repository to test with and try out some commands until
you understand their behaviour, and then tackle the time intensive task
of filtering large dump files.

This section of the book might also be useful:

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