On 23.04.2013 16:29, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
> Guten Tag Charles Gallo,
> am Dienstag, 23. April 2013 um 14:22 schrieben Sie:
>> Blame/annotate does exactly what I want, but the client (mumble
>> mumble) wants the info in the actual source code file as comments! I
>> explained that all the info is in blame/SVN, but they actually said
>> "the auditors won't see the repository, just the source, and they
>> want to be able to see what changed and by whom". That's why I'm not
>> allowed to delete code, only comment out. Sigh
> Maybe you should try a different approach: Why do the auditors don't
> have or want access to the repo? May read-only copy of the repo to
> access offline a solution?

You clearly have never had to deal with the more Neanderthal species of
auditor who believe meaningful technological advance stopped about 200
years before Gutenberg.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej
Director of Subversion | WANdisco | www.wandisco.com

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