On 05/31/13 15:40, C. Michael Pilato wrote:
On 05/31/2013 09:09 AM, Klaus Welch wrote:
After upgrading the *client* to svn1.8-rc2 a simple
svn info <url> gives the following error:

$>svn info http://domain:port/path
svn: E120190: Error running context: An error occurred during authentication

Playing around with svnauthz validate (server side) says that everything is

Oops.  authz (authorization) != authentication.  Wouldn't expect any
problems with your access file rules based on the error message you got.

It would seem at first blush that the Serf HTTP library that the client uses
is having trouble communicating your user credentials to the server.  You've
mentioned that your server uses 'htdigest' style authentication.  Are you
able to obtain a wiretrace of a simple 'svn info' activity to share with us?
  (You can, of course, anonymize any sensitive information and just explain
when you share it what you've masked.)

Wow, fast response.

I'not sure what a wiretrace is. I've inlined related pieces from apache logs.

::1 - - [31/May/2013:15:33:34 +0200] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 -
xx.yy.zz.uu - - [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx HTTP/1.1" 401 401
xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx HTTP/1.1" 
200 189
xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx HTTP/1.1" 
200 189
xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "PROPFIND /svn/xxx/!svn/rvr/9099 
HTTP/1.1" 207 773

xx.yy.zz.uu : ip address
aaa.bbb : account name
xxx : repository path

nothing related to the error

With best regards,


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