Welch, Klaus wrote on Fri, May 31, 2013 at 14:45:40 +0000:
> ________________________________________
> From: C. Michael Pilato [cmpil...@collab.net]
> Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 4:30 PM
> To: Welch, Klaus
> Cc: users@subversion.apache.org
> Subject: Re: authentication error after upgrading client to svn1.8.0-rc2 
> (accessing a svn1.7.8 server)
> On 05/31/2013 09:53 AM, Klaus Welch wrote:
> > I'not sure what a wiretrace is. I've inlined related pieces from apache 
> > logs.
> >
> > access.log:
> > ::1 - - [31/May/2013:15:33:34 +0200] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 -
> > xx.yy.zz.uu - - [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx HTTP/1.1" 401
> > 401
> > xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx
> > HTTP/1.1" 200 189
> > xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "OPTIONS /svn/xxx
> > HTTP/1.1" 200 189
> > xx.yy.zz.uu - aaa.bbb [31/May/2013:15:46:00 +0200] "PROPFIND
> > /svn/xxx/!svn/rvr/9099 HTTP/1.1" 207 773
> But you got the error on the client?  I see no errors in this log at all.
> That's why I'm not sure where to start looking into.
> Error message complained about authentication but the correct account was 
> logged in the access.log and
> nothing in error.log (where usually such stuff is logged).

Can you share the relevant bits of your httpd.conf?  Particularly the
<Location /svn> (or /svn/xxx) block and the authn/authz directives that
govern it.  

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