On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 9:11 AM, Michael Schlottke
<m.schlot...@aia.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
> Do you have an idea of how hard this is to achieve, or how long it would
> take to create a patch? I'd be happy to volunteer as a tester…
> Or do you know of an interim hack that I could use until it is properly
> fixed?

I don't imagine it'd take very long at all to implement but the
problem of course is that we really should think carefully how we go
about doing this.  If we can detect this at runtime we probably

I'm not sure what platform you're on but using the GUI version of
vimdiff would get around this for you in the meantime.  You'll end up
with one vimdiff window per file.  On the Mac for instance all I did
was symlink mvimdiff to mvim (which is essentially equivalent to gvim
on other platforms) and then change the wrapper to use that instead of
vimdiff.  I realize it's not ideal but it should give you almost the
same functionality that you had before.

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