
I wanted to check if it's possible to configure subversion in 
master-slave mode with some sort of common URL on the proxy server or 
loadbalancer, so end users wouldn't bother with different names for 
slave/master/readonly and geolocal names.

Of course, it would be ideal if subversion nodes could just share a 
storage, so any sort of requests from a load balancer can processed by 
any node without need to replicate changes over network.

Right now it's something like this:

         rw                                            ro
https://svnm.ab.org            https://svns.ab.org
         rw |                                              |r
              |                                          rw| 
redirect---> https://svnm.ab.org
       master    -----replication----->   slave

Which means that users should be aware which name to use for commits and 
which for pulls (in case of mistake, the write request will be proxied 
transparently to master)

I'd like to do something like this, where LB or proxy takes care about 
request types and directs them accordingly (maybe with some specific 

   rw------ |  ----ro
     |                    |
     |                    |
master  -->   slave

PS Not sure if text diagram will keep format.

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