On Aug 9, 2013, at 15:40, "Naumenko, Roman" wrote:

> I wanted to check if it's possible to configure subversion in 
> master-slave mode with some sort of common URL on the proxy server or 
> loadbalancer, so end users wouldn't bother with different names for 
> slave/master/readonly and geolocal names.

You can configure any number of read-only slaves which maintain copies of the 
master repository with a very slight delay. The mirroring and keeping in sync 
would be accomplished using svnsync. To access the repositories, users would 
use the hostname of a mirror near to them. For read operations, they would 
occur on the mirror and therefore be faster than accessing the farther-away 
master. For write operations, you configure the mirror to proxy those requests 
back to the master. (Search for "write-through proxy" for more on this.) In 
this way the users only need to know the address of their closest mirror; they 
do not need to know which is the master or to know its address.

> Of course, it would be ideal if subversion nodes could just share a 
> storage, so any sort of requests from a load balancer can processed by 
> any node without need to replicate changes over network.

If your storage is robust (i.e. a cluster filesystem, such as Xsan) and you 
want to run multiple Subversion servers that each have access to the same 
repositories on the same storage, then yes, you can do that instead.

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