Thanks for the reply Edwin.

The clean up script is a good idea but won't work here.  We have mostly all 
class libraries.  One executable.  This means to test we need to specify an 
application in the project.  Some developers use the exe while some use a tool 
made just for testing the classes.  This information is in the *.sou files 
which are unversioned for this reason.  So we don't want to delete them (as I 
incorrectly stated somewhere) but ignore them.

I'll try the force, that may work.  I'll try it on a copy of the repository.


-----Original Message-----
From: Edwin Castro [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Switching

On 8/22/13 7:59 AM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 6:30 AM, John Maher <> wrote:
>> >
>> > @Andrew there is no need for a svn copy.  I do not want to copy a feature 
>> > in one branch to another; I wish to keep the code isolated.
>> >
>> > And yes I know subversion won't delete unversioned files, I appreciate the 
>> > info on how subversion works.  Some of it was helpful.  I was hoping to 
>> > hear how others may have solved the same problem.
> Your problem is not so much that svn doesn't deleted the unversioned 
> files, but that it can't delete the directory containing them.
>> > But it seems the only answer is a tedious and manual process for the 
>> > simplest of enhancements.
> Don't your build tools have commands to remove any spurious files 
> they've created or some equivalent of 'make clean' that you can run to 
> remove the clutter in a non-tedious way so that svn switch is free to 
> work correctly with the versioned content?

I typically run into this problem when a "build output" directory exists due to 
having built the project that doesn't exist in the other branch.
Something along these lines:

+-- projectA/
|   +-- bin/
|   |   +-- debug/
|   |   |   +-- projectA.dll
|   |   +-- release/
|   |       +-- projectA.dll
|   +-- src/
+-- projectB/
    +-- bin/
    |   +-- debug/
    |   |   +-- projectB.dll
    |   +-- release/
    |       +-- projectB.dll
    +-- src/

Let's say in branch1 both projects exist but in branch2 only projectB exists. 
The tree above would obviously imply I am currently on branch1.
I would have added the bin directory to svn:ignore on both the projectA and 
projectB directories as I don't want to accidentally commit the contents of the 
bin directory. The tree above is only an example. The branches I'm used to 
dealing with contain hundreds of such projects and building all of them can 
take up to 2 hours even on relatively fast hardware.

If projectA has been built while I'm working on branch1 and I want to svn 
switch to branch2, then svn will attempt to delete root/projectA/ but it can't 
because root/projectA/bin/ still exists. The switch leaves behind 
root/projectA/ as unversioned (including the root/projectA/bin/ directory). Now 
that I'm done working with branch2 I try to svn switch back to branch1 and svn 
fails to add root/projectA/ because it already exists in the working copy 

We have a root build script that can run the clean target on all of our 
projects. Alternatively, I could run clean on individual projects prior to a 
switch but that requires that I know which projects do not exist on the target 
branch. I could also use the --force argument to svn switch but it carries it's 
own hazards. From svn help switch:

     If --force is used, unversioned obstructing paths in the working
     copy do not automatically cause a failure if the switch attempts to
     add the same path.  If the obstructing path is the same type (file
     or directory) as the corresponding path in the repository it becomes
     versioned but its contents are left 'as-is' in the working copy.
     This means that an obstructing directory's unversioned children may
     also obstruct and become versioned.  For files, any content differences
     between the obstruction and the repository are treated like a local
     modification to the working copy.  All properties from the repository
     are applied to the obstructing path.

I'm particularly worried by "This means that an obstructing directory's 
unversioned children may also obstruct and become versioned." You might end up 
committing files you don't want to commit by using svn switch --force so you'll 
want to be very careful. It would probably be a good idea to follow up svn 
switch --force with svn status to see if anything becomes versioned that 
shouldn't be.

Even though our builds can be quite long, I typically find it much safer to 
simply clean all of the projects prior to performing svn switch. I typically 
don't use our root build script to clean the projects because it takes a long 
time loading up all of those different projects/solutions to run the clean 
target. Since I'm on Windows I use PowerShell to find all ignored and 
unversioned items and manually delete

svn status --no-ignore --ignore-externals | Where-Object { $_ -match '^[I?]' } 
| Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path { $_.Substring(8) } -Verbose

I've needed to update the substring index in the past because a new svn release 
changed the svn status format on me.

Performing this kind of cleanup allowed svn switch to work correctly every 
time. Then again, this does imply that every thing must be rebuilt post switch 
which can be very painful when you have as many projects as we do. If some of 
the ignored/unversioned files are user files that should not be versioned, then 
cleaning like this creates additional problems. We've worked around these 
problems by requiring that user files are not used and adding a target to our 
root build script which can fetch build output from our CI server.

With as many as 15+ active branches at any one time, each with hundreds of 
projects, it is difficult to copy around user files whenever a new branch is 
created. Sometimes those files need to be kept in sync as merging occurs 
creating additional synching headaches. We found it much easier to avoid user 
files instead of managing their contents manually.

Most of our developers use a working copy per branch and avoid switch 
altogether but only because the guidelines they follow told them so.
Even then, rebuilding the entire tree took enough time that we wanted to avoid 
it so we grab the latest build output from the appropriate CI build (we have 
one per branch) as an optimization. We found rebuilding only the projects we 
are currently working on is much simpler and faster than building the entire 
tree even when we don't use svn switch.

Of course, given that we've built processes and tools to avoid building the 
entire tree we made it possible to use svn switch even though most people here 
don't use it. We even added a target to our root build script cleans everything 
so that developers do not have to remember the magic PowerShell incantation 
required. The guidelines written many years ago tell them not to trust/use svn 
switch so they don't use it.

I use svn switch quite successfully and switch between 5-6 branches on a daily 
basis but I do have access to tools that help me succeed, specifically our 
clean script and the ability to download pre-built output from our CI server.

Edwin G. Castro

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