Hi All

We are using 1.6 SVN.
We have been syncing trunk to branch A and they are both synced up and
ready for merge.
We are trying to svn merge branch A to our trunk.
But the branch was not created right in that it has a missing directory.

branch A has src directory

Trunk has src and install directories

[root@host Trunk]# svn merge --reintegrate --dry-run
svn: 'https://url.com/svn/feature/atlas@1234' must be ancestrally related
to 'https://url.com/svn/trunk@1234'

How do we overcome this as src folder has quite a few large projects code
base ?
Using ignore-ancestry would ignore mergeinfo metadata and we're want to
avoid duplicate code (from the trunk when merging from Trunk to Branch A)
from the branch back to the Trunk.
Mergeinfo property is only available at Trunk top level directory.
Other mergeinfo properties at subdir levels had been removed before the
trunk to branch A syncing began.

Please advice with steps on a workaround we need.
Any help is appreciated.


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