They can, in theory, but it's awkward. Two people editing the same
file, at the same time are really likely to run into conflicts or
accidentally mix their changes into the same commit. So I don't
recommend it.

Why can't they work on their own copies, on their own Tomcat servers,
with tuned local Tomcat configs, and merge their changes in their own
branches to a single "master" that is what lives on the website?

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 4:09 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have been exploring the Subversion web site, also check out the High-Speed
> Tutorial.  But stilling trying to work out if Subversion will be useful for
> us.
> We are developing a PHP Website hosted on our own Linux Server (a
> development server).
> We are also using Tomcat to host our website, and handle our Java Web
> Services for the
> website.
> The Developers are using Windows PC to develop, currently using, NetBeans
> for PHP
> development.  And Eclipse for the Java Web services.
> The question is, can all the developers, work with the same working copy,
> which will be
> on the Linux server?
> Enjoy
> Devlyn
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