On 11/18/13 7:54 AM, Chris Shelton wrote:
> I would suggest looking at the SVN::Notify::Mirror perl module:
> http://search.cpan.org/~jpeacock/SVN-Notify-Mirror-0.040/lib/SVN/Notify/Mirror.pm
> It includes a Perl script that is intended for using within a
> post-commit hook script to perform updates of a working copy after
> each commit.  I have been using it for automated deployment of code
> changes to a test web server for a few years now with generally
> reliable results.

If you want to do this type of thing I'd recommend looking at svnwcsub and the
svn pubsub setup.  It has the advantage of allowing this without requiring the
repository server have access to the machines you are updating.  Since the
server simply provides a mechanism for the client machines to subscribe and
watch for updates.  This was introduced along with 1.8.0.

Many ASF websites including Subversion's are stored in SVN and automatically
updated using this technique.

There is a very basic install instructions here:

Note that this same directory is tools/server-side/svnpubsub in the tarball.

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