On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Stuart MacDonald <stuartm.cod...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> If someone can point me at a Ubuntu-compatible package, I'm more than
> happy to upgrade. Last time I looked (within the last two months) I was
> unable to find anything later than what I'm running. I'd rather not spend
> the time compiling from source if I can avoid it.


Please elucidate "capture traces". I already have a Wireshark capture of
> the failure. I see exactly what the poster saw: the client drops the
> connection with an unexplained [FIN, ACK].

I meant capture new traces once you are on 1.8.5 (assuming the problem
still exists).  Different libraries are used now, so the error might
manifest differently.

> This is easily recreated for me: I run this update once a morning, and see
> the failure about 3 days out of 5. I've been working with my internal IT
> group, but they haven't been able to help much. They did have me add
> 'http-timeout = 180" to the .subversion/servers [global] section; this cut
> down the failures to about 1 out of 5 days.

Simply saying that this is not the sort of error that a dev can attach a
debugger to, so having traces from the latest version might help.

> Agreed; getting the bug fixed is the victory. However, this is clearly two
> bugs: 1) the error message is wrong, 2) the client is dropping the
> connection. Those need to be in the bug database unless they are already
> present, or already fixed. Neither seemed to be the case when I posted.

You are not using 1.8, so how do you know?  The vast majority of bugs do
not go through the tracker.  I am simply pointing out that getting this
into the tracker will not get it any more attention.


Mark Phippard

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