On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 8:38 PM, Ben Reser <b...@reser.org> wrote:

> This is a side effect of the change to setting the filename entry in the
> request record with 1.8.5.  See the 2nd yellow box here:
> http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.8.html#mod_dav_svn-fsmap
> I'd guess you have some sort of handler or filter that's messing with php 
> files.
> So post your full httpd conf and I can probably point you at what you have
> configured wrong.

Given that he saw this error mesage:

     Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not
bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down

I'm going to be *really surprised* if something involving a syntax
change for handling local files, or Subversion directory paths, would
cause that error. This looks like something else is already on port

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