
I'm having trouble un-adding a directory (recursively) that has spaces in its 
name. I am doing this on Windows 8.1 through a  batch script. An example of my 
code is below:

svn add "PATHWSPACES"\subdir1\
svn revert "PATHWSPACES"\subdir1\subdir2\ --recursive

When I run the batch script, the files are added correctly, but I get this line 
when the directory is supposed to be reverted:

Skipped 'C:\Path with spaces\subdir1\subdir2'

Setting the PATHWSPACES variable using quotes of any kind does not work. 
However, what does work is typing out the complete path which is not feasible 
for what I'm trying to do with the batch script. So, this works:

                Set PATHWSPACES=%CD%
                svn add "PATHWSPACES"\subdir1\
                svn revert "C:\Path with spaces\subdir1\subdir2\" --recursive

Putting quotes around the entire path or putting quotes around the variable and 
the entire path also does not work. I get the following messages:
                For code that is: svn revert "PATHWSPACES\subdir1\subdir2" 
               svn: E155007: 'C:Path' is not a working copy
                For code that is: svn revert ""PATHWSPACES"\subdir1\subdir2\" 
                Skipped 'C:\Path with spaces\subdir1\subdir2" -recursive'

Help! What is going on? Unfortunately, I can't change to a path name without 


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