Thanks for the link jb.  Reading through that section of the book I encountered 
"file changes" and "tree changes."  It also just mentions "changes" numerous 
times.  On my initial reading it appears that when the book mentions "changes" 
without specifying the type (like the definition of the "Commit" command) it is 
talking about "file changes" ONLY and it is excluding "tree changes."  Just 
wondering if that assumption would be right most of the time or could it go 
either way and I would have to test to see which one was applicable.  I tried 
looking at other mentions of the "changes" but due to my ignorance of the 
software I wasn't able to come to any conclusions myself.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 12:24 PM
To: John Maher
Cc: Subversion Users
Subject: Re: subversion won’t add new files

On Sep 24, 2014, at 9:14 AM, John Maher <> wrote:

> Yes, you must "svn add" any files you want Subversion to add to the 
> repository. It's not meant to be confusing... I found the book exceptionally 
> clear and helpful in explaining how Subversion works and is meant to be used.
> Thanks for your reply.  Not sure why you wish to post opinions or think it's 
> clear when the book says "Send changes from your working copy to the 
> repository" when I make a change in my working copy and it is ignored.  Don't 
> take it personal if a user does not understand something.  And just because 
> you understand something does not make it clear.  It just makes it clear to 
> you.
> But none the less, thank you for explaining the weird behavior, it was very 
> helpful.
> JM

The "svn add" only needs to be performed once so that SVN knows to begin 
tracking the file. Afterwards, any subsequent changes to the file will be 
commited. Adding a file to the repository is a change to the repository and 
must be indicated with the "svn add". This change to the repository (the 
addititon) is then commited upon "svn commit".

Likewise, when you choose to remove a file from the repository, you must use 
"svn rm". The deletion is then commited with "svn commit". Simply removing a 
file from your working copy is not sufficient.

Please review the "Basic Work Cycle" section of the SVN book for more 

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