Hi, On 08/10/14 21:08, Bob Archer wrote: > I assume by “scan” you are talking about virus scanning. I would > question the need to do this. Yea, I know… but still, many request come > from a lack of understanding of a technology.
It is more likely that this is about a legal discovery or license/code review. Here then is a hint. #1 Fetch the global verbose xml log with files of the root of the repository or the path you want to examine: svn log -r1:HEAD --xml -v ^/ #2 XSLT over that to find logentry/paths/path nodes with relevant actions (add, modified, moved here), kind (file) and, when modified, the relevant modifications (text-mods="true"). The result will be a machine readable list with path / revision coordinates/URLs. Depending on whether you included branches this may even be unique in terms of content. #3 Run that list through your favorite svn client or plain HTTP user agent, as required and suitable. Use pat + peg revisions. https://svn.example.com/svn/repo/path/file.txt?p=N http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.serverconfig.httpd.html#svn.serverconfig.httpd.extra.browsing #4 Run your scan as per your requirements. You can adjust this to fit your (disk,process,scan) needs and resources. Andreas