On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Mark Phippard <markp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was responsible for that port and stopped working on it in 2007 when I
> left SoftLanding.  So the last version ported was SVN 1.4.  It was never
> maintained as part of this project.
> You should run your server on Linux.
> Mark

If possible for Subversion servers, I'd push to migrate.  Finally digging
through the IBM support site, I see that support for it ended in 2007.


For the clients, I think you're pretty much SOL with an EOL of the
operating system 7 years ago. The oldest Suvversion release still supported
is 1.7, and you're going to have a nightmare trying to establish the
necessary build chain on an operating system that old. Even I had a heck of
a time backporting 1.6 to RHEL 4 for RPMforge by the time RHEL 4 was
officially unsupported, and I can only imagine the nightmares somebody
skilled like Mark would go through backporting Subversion 1.7 to OS/400,
even if you could pay him to do it.

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