I was going to chime in earlier, but something in Brane’s response finally put 
me over the edge.  We are having a very similar error when updating over VPN 
(the problem does not occur when in the office):

Summary of conflicts:
  Text conflicts: 1
svn: E175002: REPORT request on '/hepd/Shelby/!svn/me’ failed

The issue occurs while trying to do a merge, and it happens at the point in 
time when a few large binaries (which take noticeably longer when doing an “svn 
up”  because of their size) are processed.  The reason I am replying is that we 
do have a load balancer in front of our pair of Subversion servers.  I hope 
this helps to shed some light on this issue.


> On Mar 10, 2015, at 2:09, Branko Čibej <br...@wandisco.com> wrote:
> On 10.03.2015 01:09, Stümpfig, Thomas wrote:
>> Hi Bert, All
>> “a REPORT require on ‘/svn/…./!svn/me’ failed “ this is the only message my 
>> colleague is getting. Same message with command line tools , 
> I'm sorry, but there's no string like that in the Subversion 1.8.x source 
> code. So this can't be the exact error message.
>> . Server side (VisualSVN) error cannot exactly be linked to the users action 
>> –perhaps this could be an enhancement to mod_dav_svn – send a transaction id 
>> in the http header and log it. The server Error very probably is: "Error 
>> writing base64 data: APR does not understand this error code  [500, #620018] 
>> (We have ~300 commits per day and many more reading operations.
>> The error occurs only in WAN circumstances, and only on large updates 
>> (>2GB). In LAN environment everything is ok. The user in question has got a 
>> 100Mb/s DOCIS3.0 line IPV6 based IPV4 carrier grade nat accessing the 
>> companies network via juniper client.
> The error code (620018) is the canonical APR error code for "connection 
> aborted", but the question is, what is terminating the connection (it's also 
> strange that "APR does not understand that error code," but that's likely a 
> different issue).
> So, do you have a (hardware or software) proxy/load balancer or similar on 
> the entry point from the WAN? If yes, does it have logs you could look at?
>>  Meanwhile I read about apache timeout,… and set this to 1800 -> 30min… I 
>> hope this fixes the issues …. I’ll keep this list informed
> FWIW, the kind of update you're talking about shouldn't take more than 10 
> minutes in the worst case over a 100Mb/s link.
> -- Brane

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